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Internal Rules

Article 1 : General requirements

Article 1.1 : The present regulations are intended for tenants, customers, their successors and assigns, all occupants in any capacity whatsoever and, where applicable, their visitors.

Article 1.2 : The main purpose of these rules, which are laid down in the common interest, is to ensure that the building and common areas are maintained in good order. Tenants are thus informed of the rules to be respected in terms of peace and quiet, hygiene, safety and civic-mindedness, which apply to all tenants in both the communal and private areas.

Article 1.3 : Legislative, regulatory and contractual provisions require all customers to use the rented property (dwelling, annexes and common areas) peacefully and normally.

Article 2.1 : Access to and use of these areas are reserved exclusively for guests staying at the residence.

Article 2.2 : Outdoor circulation and parking spaces

Light vehicles and other vehicles may only park in spaces reserved for this purpose, respecting the safety rules (fire hydrant, fire department access, etc.) imposed by legislation and signage. The movement and parking of vehicles of any kind is strictly forbidden on lawns and playgrounds. It is forbidden to use a parking space as a mechanic's workshop or storage area. Spaces reserved for the disabled must be respected. The parking of trailers, heavy goods vehicles, boats and end-of-life vehicles is prohibited. Commercial vehicles (vehicles designed and equipped to transport goods and/or people) may only be parked with the express permission of CITY RESIDENCE. Prolonged, disruptive or dangerous parking will be removed after formal notice has been given by CITY RESIDENCE, at the offender's expense. The use of motorized land vehicles, such as mini-motorbikes, quads or similar, is strictly forbidden inside CITY RESIDENCE residences (roads, parking lots, sidewalks, green spaces, etc.), as they cause considerable noise pollution and are dangerous to people.

Article 2.3 : Green spaces, playgrounds

Outdoor areas used for community enjoyment must be respected and kept in a perfect state of hygiene and cleanliness. For example, it is strictly forbidden to let animals into play areas designed for children's use. Where there is an age restriction on the use of certain play areas, parents must comply with access instructions, and children must be accompanied and supervised. Pets must be kept on a leash and must not roam the green areas. Playground equipment must be preserved and not used for purposes other than those for which it was intended. Any person responsible for damage will be prosecuted and held financially liable. If the perpetrator is a minor, the parents will have to bear the cost of the damage suffered by CITY RESIDENCE.

Article 2.4 : Building access and circulation

These provisions apply to all common areas, in particular building entrances or lobbies, vestibules, corridors, elevators, stairways, landings and corridors, and especially service corridors and cellars, which must never be obstructed by any object whatsoever, such as bicycles, strollers, children's toys, shopping carts, bulky or dirty items. Any obstruction of the free movement of tenants, in particular by parking or congregating in entrance halls, stairwells, corridors, stairwells and cellar corridors, is prohibited and constitutes an offence punishable under the French Internal Security Act of March 18, 2003. Tenants, their successors and assigns, who facilitate or allow trespassing and gathering in the common areas of the building are liable to civil penalties which may result in the legal termination of the rental contract. Children must not play in the entrances or in the immediate vicinity of the entrances, and generally speaking, in all common passageways. Access to the buildings is strictly reserved for tenants and their visitors, under the responsibility of said tenants. Tenants must ensure that access doors are kept closed at all times. Access to the buildings is strictly forbidden to outsiders, in particular canvassers, peddlers, etc.

Article 2.5 : Elevators

Where the building is equipped with an elevator, the user must ensure that it is kept clean and in good working order. Technical interventions - whether for maintenance, rescue or repairs - are reserved exclusively for persons authorized by existing safety regulations. Any violation of these rules will be subject to the penalties provided for in the applicable legislation. If the elevator is used for moving, it must be protected from overloading, damage or other incidents. Use of the elevator as a urinal or play equipment is strictly forbidden. Unaccompanied children under the age of 12 must not enter the elevator under any circumstances. It is also strictly forbidden to block the elevator for any reason whatsoever.

Article 2.6 : Information - Display

Apart from the information or notice boards reserved for CITY RESIDENCE and the tenants' associations, it is forbidden to affix or display any document whatsoever in the common areas, or on the walls of the buildings, without the agreement of the site manager.

Article 2.7 : Communal facilities (bicycle, baby carriage and garbage bins)

Please note that household waste in closed bags (except glass) must be deposited in the containers or premises reserved for this purpose, in compliance with regulations (selective sorting). To dispose of bulky items, tenants should contact the janitor for information on disposal arrangements (location, times, etc.) The premises referred to in this article may not be used for any other purpose.

Article 2.8 : Preserving common areas and safety

In the interests of safety, hygiene and good building maintenance, smoking, drinking and eating are prohibited in all common areas, including the elevator. Similarly, tenants are forbidden to throw cigarette butts into garbage chutes, as well as into garbage chutes in apartments or on landings. Fire alarms and fire-fighting systems must be respected. Access to service rooms and roofs is strictly forbidden, unless expressly agreed by CITY RESIDENCE and, where applicable, accompanied by the site manager. It is forbidden to make unauthorized connections to water, electricity or gas installations. Any offending tenant will be liable to criminal and civil prosecution, including termination of the rental contract.

Article 3.1 : Peaceful use

In accordance with article 1728 of the French Civil Code and the provisions of the rental agreement, the tenant must make peaceful use of the dwelling and its annexes. Any tenant whose actions or behavior cause a nuisance to the neighborhood may be prosecuted before the civil or criminal courts. Each tenant is personally responsible for his or her own actions, for those of people living in the rented premises, and for all persons he or she brings into the building.

Article 3.2 : Safety - Heating - Ventilation

Tenants must refrain from any action that could endanger the safety of property or persons. They must not store dangerous products such as butane or propane gas cylinders. The use of barbecues inside apartments or on balconies is forbidden. Tenants are responsible for regularly cleaning mechanical or natural ventilation vents and grilles, which must not be obstructed in any way. The dwelling must be regularly ventilated and normally heated. Tenants must not use any mobile auxiliary heating appliance, whatever its fuel (butane, propane, petroleum, etc.) Tenants may not prevent the intervention of companies responsible for the maintenance of boilers, water heaters, chimney sweeping and ventilation. Failure to maintain these appliances can lead to serious safety problems, excessive energy consumption and recurrent breakdowns. Under no circumstances should hoods be connected to a ventilation duct, whether natural or mechanical.

Article 3.3 : Maintenance and insurance

Tenants will be required to provide proof of their obligations in terms of regular upkeep and maintenance of all items and equipment for private use. Every year, they must have taken out the following insurance policies with the company of their choice for the dwelling and its annexes, including cellars and parking spaces:

- Insurance covering rental risks (fire, explosion, water damage);
- Insurance covering the risk of "recourse by neighbors";
- Third-party liability insurance.

Article 3.4 : Basement and private annexes

Tenants must ensure the proper use of the basement and all private annexes (no storage of dangerous products or motorized equipment), which must not be cluttered. They must ensure that the cellar and private annexes remain closed at all times. They shall refrain, and their assigns and beneficiaries shall refrain, from using the cellar as a mechanic's workshop, meeting place for games or any other activity likely to cause danger or disturbance to the building and/or its occupants.

Article 3.5 : Hygiène et salubrité

Les locataires devront veiller à ne pas compromettre la salubrité de l’immeuble, sous peine de voir leur responsabilité mise en cause. Ainsi, ils devront maintenir leurs locaux en bon état de propreté et d’hygiène. Ils ne pourront s’opposer, dans le cadre de la visite annuelle, à l’intervention dans le logement de l’entreprise mandatée par CITY RESIDENCE, en charge de la désinsectisation et de la désinfection, l’opération n’étant totalement efficace que si tous les appartements sont traités.

Article 3.6 : Windows and balconies

Tenants must refrain from shaking, beating, washing or spreading anything on windowsills, balconies, balcony railings or loggias. They will refrain from throwing objects and garbage (cigarette butts, food scraps) through windows and balconies. In order not to endanger the safety of persons or property, or damage the general appearance of the building, it is forbidden to store bulky or dangerous objects. Plants must not be hung outwards from balconies or windows, nor must air-conditioning units. Offending tenants will be held liable in the event of an accident. Windows, balconies and loggias may not be fitted with any type of blind, shade or protective netting without written authorization from CITY RESIDENCE.

Article 3.7 : Transmitting or receiving antenna installation

The installation of a satellite dish on the facade is prohibited. The installation of a satellite dish is subject to the express agreement of CITY RESIDENCE.

Article 4.1 : Noise

Tenants and their assigns must ensure that they do not cause any nuisance or disturbance to neighbors in the communal areas (halls, outdoor areas, corridors, etc.) or in their accommodation and outbuildings, day or night. They must adjust the acoustic level of any sound-emitting equipment (radio, TV, stereo, etc.) so that neighbors are not disturbed in any way. The same applies to musical instruments, household appliances, unsuitable games and activities, and noisy shoes. Do-it-yourself work carried out by individual tenants or companies commissioned by them, using tools or equipment likely to cause a nuisance to the neighborhood because of their noise level (such as chainsaws, drills, planers or chainsaws, etc.) may only be carried out on working days from 8.30am to 12pm and from 2pm to 7pm l Saturdays from 9am to 1pm and from 4pm to 7pm l Sundays and public holidays from 4pm to 7pm.

Article 4.2 : Animals

The keeping or breeding of non-domestic animals is forbidden in private premises, annexes and outbuildings. Pets are tolerated in the rented premises or on balconies only insofar as their presence does not cause disorder or complaints from other tenants, and does not cause damage or nuisance of any kind (e.g. odors) to the rented premises, common areas and gardens. Dogs must be kept on a leash when outside the property. The possession of dangerous dogs of the first category is strictly forbidden in the dwellings, their annexes and common areas. Tenants and third parties are forbidden to enter and/or circulate on CITY RESIDENCE properties accompanied by these animals. The possession of second category dogs is subject to strict compliance with legal provisions. These dogs must be kept on a leash outside the property and muzzled. It is strictly forbidden to keep animals in private premises, outbuildings and their surroundings, communal areas, terraces, loggias and balconies. Feeding non-domestic animals - such as pigeons or cats - is strictly forbidden, as this practice causes unhealthy conditions or inconveniences for the neighborhood. Failure to comply with these provisions may result in termination of the lease and/or criminal prosecution.

Article 5.1 : Compliance with the clauses of these rules and regulations calls on everyone's sense of responsibility and citizenship, and is enacted with a view to promoting a harmonious and peaceful way of living. They supplement the general and special conditions of the rental contract.

Article 5.2 : Any violation or breach by tenants or their successors or assigns of the provisions of these rules and regulations, or of the stipulations of the rental agreement, will result in legal action as provided for by current legislation, including termination of the rental agreement and eviction of the occupants.